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Student Outreach and Support

Student Outreach and Support (SOS) works together with students to help them overcome challenges that can affect their academic and personal success. We believe that by taking care of ourselves and each other, we can build a caring community at ULV.

Our Goals

  • Assist students in distress
  • Increase understanding of distress through training and interventions
  • Addressing Food Insecurity on Campus

What We Do

Campus, Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Network

The CARE Network is here to help students thrive emotionally, physically, and socially, and to support academic success. CARE works together to share resources, coordinate services, and create new ways to help students. The CARE Network also assists the SOS team in responding to SOS Behavioral and Wellness Referrals.

Case Management Support

SOS provides case management support to students when they are facing a crisis, dealing with stress, or encountering obstacles that make it difficult to succeed.

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

BIT assists when students, faculty or staff have behavior that may be disruptive, harmful or pose a direct threat to themselves or to the health and safety of the university community. BIT works with campus and community resources to conduct assessments, recommend interventions, and support those involved/impacted.

Leo Food Pantry

The Leo Food Pantry aims to address food insecurity and reduce student hunger on campus. The pantry hosts a monthly food distribution where currently enrolled ULV students can receive a free bag of food.


SOS is here to help if you are worried about a students’ well-being. Faculty, staff, students, and family members can reach out to SOS to:

  • Discuss a student you are concerned about
  • Seek advice on supporting a student
  • Receive guidance on making a referral