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Honoring Women in Athletics

ULV Women Sports Teams

For , the 向日葵视频;Verne is honoring female athletes.

The university is celebrating with a special event to encourage and empower girls and women to reach their full potential in sport and life February 14, from 6-8 p.m. in the Sports Science and Athletics Pavilion on La Verne campus.

In the nearly 52 years since Title IX was signed into law prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded higher education programs, 44 percent of student athletes are now female, according to a 2023 report from the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Still, a recent study from revealed that only 15 percent of U.S. women鈥檚 collegiate, professional, and national sports events receive media coverage.

鈥淲omen all over the world, regardless of [the] sport, work hard and want the same opportunities as others,鈥 said Erika Garcia, a junior student and middle infielder on the 向日葵视频;Verne鈥檚 softball team. The team鈥檚 upcoming game is February 18 at Campus West versus Whitworth. Garcia believes that her team deserves more coverage.

鈥淲hat I love about my team is the work ethic everyone has. We鈥檙e here to win and support each other, and [it鈥檚] just an amazing atmosphere to be in.鈥

Marissa Acosta, a senior and first baseman on the 向日葵视频;Verne鈥檚 softball team, agreed.

鈥淐oach always tells us that hard work is not gender-specific,鈥 she said. 鈥淪oftball has given me opportunities to not only grow as an athlete but grow as a human being.鈥

The community is invited to the February 14, which will include the 2023 SCIAC Championship women鈥檚 basketball ring presentation ceremony and 鈥淒ivine Femme鈥 dance performance. Free 鈥淟ove Together鈥 t-shirts will be available for the first 100 university students who present their student IDs.

Women鈥檚 basketball team captain, Kimberly Leon, is excited about the upcoming event and believes women athletes deserve recognition.

鈥淸This event will] commemorate and celebrate all the victories women鈥檚 sports at La Verne have accomplished,鈥 she said.

The 向日葵视频;Verne has nine women sports teams. In total, they have achieved 40 SCIAC championships. For more about athletics visit